We apologize for the delays caused by the fires in Los Angeles and want to assure you that orders will resume shipping on Tue, Jan. 21st. We ❤️ LA!

Here is our FAVorite Back to School Lunch Box by Go Green Lunch Box. We HIGHLY recommend this lunch box for your kids. Fun Facts: No Spills... Ever! It also has a little message board inside so that you can write cute messages to your kids. 

Why pack a GO Green Lunch Box lunch for your child?
Landfills are full and overflowing. Much of the trash we generate comes from the packaging on the food we buy, and lunch foods are no exception. 

It has been estimated that, on average, a school-age child using a disposable lunch generates 67 pounds of waste per school year... that equates to 18,760 pounds of lunch waste for just one average-size elementary school. 

What does it cost to pack a GO Green Lunch Box lunch?

 A Disposable Lunch

1 sandwich $1.25

1 yogurt $.70

1 package of cookies $.62

1 apple $.33

1 package carrots & dip $.73

3 plastic bags $.12

1 juice pouch $.35

1 plastic spoon $.04

1 paper napkin $.01

Total $4.15


 A Trash-Free Lunch

1 sandwich $1.25

1 yogurt $.50

1 package of cookies $.40

1 apple $.33

1 package carrots & dip $.25

daily packaging $0

water $0

reusable spoon $0

cloth napkin $0

Total $2.73

$892 (disposable lunch) - $586.95 (trash-free lunch) = $305.30 in approximate savings, based on a 215 day school year.

Your GO Green Lunch Box is paid for in just 1 month of use!! 

That's worth telling a friend...

Let's all do our part to educate our children and save mother earth!