Back to School Lunch Box.
Here is our FAVorite Back to School Lunch Box by Go Green Lunch Box. We HIGHLY recommend this lunch box for your kids. Fun Facts: No Spills... Ever! It also has...
Back to School Water Bottles.
All the cool kids are doing it... Reusable Water Bottles! Want a reusable water bottle for your kids that do NOT leak... We HIGHLY recommend the TAKEYA Water Bottle! Easy to clean...
Back to School Clothes.
Only one week left until school, I decided to share my first day of school outfits for my kiddos! BUHO Dress Golden Goose Deluxe Shoes Scotch and Soda Shirt 1+...
Back to School Clothes.
With only three weeks left until “zoom school” starts, I decided to share my first day of school outfits for my kiddos! Even though they won’t be meeting in person with...
We Bare Bear Birthday Party Inspiration.
I love to throw a party … only this year it’s not with 100 guest at the beach. We’re surprising my little one with a We Bare Bears theme Birthday...
Gorgonzola Fondue with Garlic French Bread.
Images by Half Baked Harvest. Gorgonzola Fondue Ingredients: 1 pound Gorgonzola 3 teaspoons Cornstarch 3 tablespoons White wine 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 teaspoon Rosemary, chopped 1/4 cup half and half 1/4 cup Heavy cream pepper to taste Chives, for garnish Fondue Directions: Combine...
Being a Dad.
It’s still surreal when I think about being someone’s dad. It’s tremendously important. The title alone holds the weight of creating and shaping a life. My actions my attitude my...
60’s/70’s Day at School.
It’s “decades day” at school next week and our daughter is dressing from the 60’s/70’s. It was time to call my parents and see what was groovy during their years...
80’s/90’s Day at School.
It’s “decades day” at school next week and our son is dressing from the 80’s/90’s. I remember the 80’s/90’s like it was yesterday. The Motorola cellular phone, hair crimping, big...
Recommended Books about Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families & Friends.
Our kids are now 6 & 9 and starting to question life, their changing bodies, growing friendships, and the birds and the bees. Before I answered any of their questions...
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas.
Mother (muth-er) (n) a person who loves unconditionally; the maker and keeper of precious memories; a person much loved and greatly appreciated. See also: superwoman, saint.Looking for a Mother’s day...
Chicken and Wild Rice Soup.
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil 1 tablespoon (10 g) minced garlic 1 cup (145 g) minced yellow onion 1 cup (145 g) diced carrots, ¼-inch dice 1 cup (135 g) diced celery, ¼-inch dice 2 tablespoons (34 g) tomato paste 2 cups (120 g) sliced brown mushrooms, ¼-inch thick slices ½ cup (100 g) wild rice blend 2 teaspoons (2 g) chopped thyme 2 bay leaves 1 teaspoon (8 g) kosher salt...